Friday, May 11, 2012


Hey amigos! Here is the reason I have been neglecting literally everything including the blog:

The Junction Flea! It's basically going to be the best thing that ever happened to the city of Toronto as far as I'm concerned!  New craft and design, food, records, antiques, furniture, clothes, all awesome all the time! We also in the proccess of looking for vendors, and I have a feeling that a lot of the people who follow this blog might be of the creative/vintage hoarding persuasion...No more driving to the country for a deal! Ride your bike on up to the Junction and hit up the Flea every second Sunday of the month. Then come to Russet and Empire doye. Aaaaanyway, go HERE for the deets.      XOXO R&E


angelune said...

hmmm, doesn't see to work.

Anonymous said...

Hey if you click on the link I provided in the blog it should work. I know I am having some issues with the site loading in Safari but I'm trying to work it out SORRY

Debra Norton said...

Amazing! After going to the Brooklyn Flea I hoped someone would start something like this here :)