Monday, March 5, 2012

Sweden Update: Chin up!

I'd like to think that we are close enough that I can confide in you right? Well friend...I'm having a slight freak out, which you might have already noticed since I am blogging from the shop on a Monday (of course you know that Monday's are my day off). I have been home from Sweden for a week now, but my luggage and all of the beautiful pieces that I bought for the shop are still not here. I managed to track them down early this morning, and apparently everything is at a FedEx depot in Mississauga and has been sitting there for 3 days now.  So I guess that's good right?

You may have read in The Grid that I had a problem with 'rough treatment' of the baggage, which resulted in a lot of damage going from Sweden to England, so the stuff that I am waiting on now is fairly precious to me.  For my flight back to Canada I needed to make room in my luggage, so I decided to take a few completely random pieces and bring them carry on, which I shot photos of to make myself feel better.  I'll let you know as soon as (or if) everything shows up.

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