Friday, March 23, 2012

Whats in your purses Russet&Empire? Hmm?

Ever see those posts on pretty lifestyle blogs where the author sets out the contents of their Marc Jacobs purse and organizes by colour and brand. They honest to goodness carry around cooling eye serum and thousand dollar DSLR? Guy, thats what an iPhone is for!  Want to see what it looks like when you have kids and run your own new business? There is an impressive amount of lipstick involved aparently:

Jenn Hannotte
1. That's my empty sac. I think it was on sale at Zara and I've noticed Elaine Benes has a similar one. So that's cool.
2. Oh, just a stack of valentines from my daughters that I didn't even look at since I didn't even know they were in my bag!
3. Samples of MOR lip glosses from the store
4. R&E business cards and a card from my mom
5. my wallet, it's empty :(
6. a broken spoon (duh), three lipsticks, one of my daughter's barrettes and a tiny tea pot (duh, again)
7. Matches from Co-Op in Foam Lake, Saskatchewan that I stole from my Baba's house (Sorry, bubs)
8. hair elastics
9. nail clippers and....cream.
10. an appendage of my wallet
11. gravol for the kids when they make me nuts (JK!) (OR AM I)
12. garbage, so much garbage
13. "Beer and Popcorn Money" from the gov't

Micah Lenahan
1. Rose scented vaseline and MOR blood orange (thanks to the benefits of new packaging)
2. Empty tube of Norweigan formula
3. A respectable amount of keys with a poppy seed bagel key chain from Magic Pony
4. Flash drive
5. A wallet that used to be yellow suede, then milk spilled on it
6. 3.53 in British Pounds
7. Phone and earbuds. If your earbuds break within one year the apple store gives you a new pair free!
8. Current issue of the Grid
9. Antique brass M broach 
10. Two reusable Gothenburg transit passes 
11. Hairpins and elastics
12.Mini American flag
13. One good Muji pen, one crummy ballpoint
14. Lipstick zone
15. Big glasses 4eva
16. Fancy fake leather purse
17. TTC day pass and map for Vintage's Night Out
18. New book, yet to be cracked

We challenge you Mrs Huizenga and The Arthur! Show us your purses!

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